TUBE Kick-Off Meeting, June 2019
This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No 814978.
Date: 16.-17.6.2019
Venue: University of Eastern Finland, Kuopio, Finland

Kick-Off Meeting, 16.6.2019, University of Eastern Finland, TUBE-consortium group picture
Programme pdf-version
AGENDA Sunday, 16.6.2019
12.40 Bus-transfer from Hotel Scandic to the University
At University: coffee & snacks
13.00 Introduction of the agenda
13.10 Presentation of the project
- General introduction
- Web-pages
- Documents, introduction to rules of EU logos etc.
13.30 Short introduction by partners
14.00 Scientific collaboration in TU BE
- WP- structure and inter-WP collaboration
- Input needed from partners within and between the WPs
Short Break
- Publication policy
- Milestones and deliverables, due dates
- Data sharing and storage
15.30 Consortium Agreement
17.30 Bus-transfer from the University to the harbour
* * *
18.00 Boat-transfer from Kuopio harbour to Koivumäki Manor
19.30 Working-Dinner at Koivumäki Manor
22.00 Bus-transfer back to Hotel Scandic
AGENDA Monday, 17.6.2019
08.40 Bus-transfer from Hotel Scandic to the University
09.00 Introduction of the agenda (recap) & coffee
09.15 Short introduction by partners (present only on Monday)
09.30 Discussion on the formation of:
- the General Assembly
- the Executive Board
- the Scientific Advisory Board
12.00 Lunch
13.30 Presentation of management aspects
14.00 Time and location of the next TUBE meeting
14.30 Any other business
15.00 Farewell coffee
15.30 Bus-transfer from the University to Hotel Scandic